The monks of Saint Anselm Abbey have elected

Brother Isaac Murphy, O.S.B., as their Sixth Abbot.

Click here for more information about Abbot Isaac and about the election

Living Out The Catholic Faith

The monks of Saint Anselm Abbey live the Gospel life following The Rule of Saint Benedict.

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Committed to Catholic Education

Work is a vital part of our life as monks. Our primary apostolate is Saint Anselm College, an undergraduate liberal arts college with a strong Catholic and Benedictine tradition.

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Become a Monk text

Become a Monk
"Seeking his workmen in a multitude of people, the Lord calls out to him and lifts his voice again: Is there anyone here who yearns for life and desires to see good days?"

The Rule of Saint Benedict, Prologue 14-15

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Mass and Prayer Schedule

Our Prayer Life
We are a community of prayer. All members of the Saint Anselm community and the general public are welcome to join us for our public liturgies.

View the Mass Schedule

Abbey News