George Benjamin Rumley, O.S.B., a member of the Saint Anselm monastic community, was ordained to the Diaconate by the Most Reverend Peter A. Libasci, Bishop of Manchester, on Wednesday, October 18th, the Feast of Saint Luke the Evangelist, in the Saint Anselm Abbey Church. Following his ordination and according to house custom, he will be known as Father George.
As a deacon, Father George is now a minister of service for Saint Anselm Abbey and the wider Church. Among his many duties he will assist priests with the administration of the Sacraments.
Father George was presented for ordination by Father Augustine Kelly, O.S.B., Prior of Saint Anselm Abbey.
After the laying on of hands and prayer of ordination by Bishop Libasci, Father George was vested with the stole and dalmatic, signs of his office within the Church.
During the Rite of Ordination, Bishop Libasci instructed Father George regarding his new ministry: "As a deacon you will serve Jesus Christ, who was known among his disciples as the one who served others. Do the will of God generously. Serve God and mankind in love and joy."
In reflecting on his ordination, Father George noted, “I am grateful to Abbot Mark and my confreres for helping to confirm my discernment of the vocation to holy orders. I am thrilled if also somewhat overawed that this moment has finally come. May God be glorified in our mutual service for His kingdom.”
Originally from Ramseur, North Carolina, Father George professed vows as a Benedictine monk in 2014 at Mary Help of Christians Abbey in Belmont, North Carolina. His transfer of stability to Saint Anselm Abbey was accepted in August of this year. Father George completed seminary studies at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. He currently serves Saint Anselm College in the Office of Campus Ministry and by teaching in the College’s Conversatio Program.